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Writer's pictureCA Michaels

Let's play Bingo!

On Tuesday, 8-23-2022 we will be playing bingo here at the site and at my author fan club group on Facebook! And here at the site in our new group called, Games, here. To play at the website, you MUST register first before Tuesday at 6pm est! Here are the rules and prizes!

Prizes and rules for bingo 8-23-2022

First place winner receives a copy of the first 2 Deep books in print. Second place winner receives a Deep series T-shirt. Third place winner receives a 13X19 poster signed of each of the first 2 Deep books. Fourth place winner receives 2 5X8 singed prints of each Deep cover book. Fifth place winner receives a copy of each Deep book in Ebook format. To win; to win first place, you must have won First round, you must have every square of one row covered in any row up and down. Whoever calls out bingo first in this round, wins first prize. Second round, you must have every square of one row covered in any row diagonally. Whoever calls out bingo first in this round, wins second prize. Third round, you must have every square of one row covered in any row across. Whoever calls out bingo first in this round, wins third prize. Fourth round, you must have two rows of squares covered diagonally. Whoever calls out bingo first in this round, wins fourth prize. Fifth round, you must have two rows of squares covered across. Whoever calls out bingo first in this round, wins fifth prize.

If you are the first to get any four squares together in any corner, you win a prize!

Included are the two different cards you can play. You can play either card, but you are allowed to play only one from either the Deep series bingo or the classic bingo. Meaning you can have one of the Deep series bingo cards and one classic bingo card.

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