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Happy August

Happy August. WOW July kind flew by as summer always does in the mitten (Michigan, USA) for those who do not know hehe Yesterday I received some exciting news that the guys in Perfect Plan were interested in reading the Renegade series. So, yeah, hubby and I celebrated all night lol Perfect Plan is the band that Charlotte listens to daily while on the job or whatever she does. It's so awesome to get official approval from my favorite band in real life. Hubby found them in 2018 and they are just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamazing!

I have included the Barnes and Noble links on the renegade series page. Just Ebook form for right now there. The contest was a smash. I'm working on fulfilling the orders this week. Already have the Renegade gift bags on their way here from Zazzle. I'm waiting on the cash to get onto my new Spendwell card. I DO NOT recommend them! They are horrible! Last Saturday, hubby put $100 on it and it's Tuesday and it's still fucking pending! WTAF? I can only assume the person at the Dollar General, where hubby loaded it, put it as a fucking damn check, not cash! A check takes these fuckers 2-10 business days to load onto the damn card. If you want to send money, you have to have that person create a damn account. You have to constantly login to the website cause it keeps logging you after 2 seconds of inactivity. Of course, I'm just being funny. But it does seem that way for real. LIKE OMG!!!!

Onto other stuff. It was nice taking week off from writing. I worked on creating cool new products at my zazzle shop. the plans for the rest of my writing year, well I'm not sure on that just yet. I know I seriously need to finish Deep Ties book 2: Deep Venture, with Sam Peterson. So, that will be worked on this month sometime. And yes, there will also be another Renegade book this year. So, have a safe happy August, don't forget to buy my books, read them, and have fun!

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